Saturday, October 29, 2011

"Dinner Time"
This studio still life was shot for a restaurant in Manhattan and I based it on paintings I have seen by classical Spanish painters of bodega scenes. All the animals are real and are served, cooked of course, in the restaurant.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Trying something different. Interested in any comments.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

This photograph was taken just about this time of year, last year, at a lake in Oakdale, near Dowling College. I found this spot right off the side of the road and kept stopping there, day after day, waiting for a blue sky with white clouds while the foliage was at its peak. Shot with my Nikon D200, wide angle lens at F22. I used a slow shutter speed and my trusty ole' tripod.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

This is an image I call "Bronx Geometry". It is currently hanging in a gallery in Huntington - B.J. Spoke Gallery, 299 Main Street.  It is printed on brushed aluminum and is approx 5' x 4'. The Show is called "Geometric Constructions and Abstractions.  I have another print in the how as well. It is also a l,rage, 4' x 5' print on brushed aluminum and is in the front window of the gallery. Pleas drop by for the opening reception if you are around - Sunday, October 9th, 2-5pm. Free refreshments!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday night, September 25

Montauk Lighthouse
Traveler's Dilemma
I'm uploading some images I have been working on lately for some gallery shows.  The top one is "Montauk Lighthouse" and is a digital images that was enhanced in Photoshop and Corel Painter. The second one was taken in Grand Central Station during Christmas time as I waited for him to return from college. Digital image altered with several software programs.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

1st Posting of the Semester

This is my 1st post to the blog for this Fall's classes.
I am looking forward to using this new technology as a way of communicating with you all, both verbally and visually.
It will allow you to post your thoughts, responses, questions and ideas as well as allowing you to post some of your images.
This way we will all be able to see what everyone else is up to and add our comments.